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Green Job Tabletop Game

Green Frontier Launching Campaign

Climate Incubator is delivering free workshops for secondary and university students, NGOs, business partners, and the public from August to October 2024. Companies, groups, or individuals are welcomed to register.

Enquiry: Ms. Blaire Ho at


Past Events

We organize different events for the youth to enhance their understanding of climate change and prepare them for a green career.

Future Frequency Workshop


As part of the Climate Incubator Mentorship Program, this workshop guided participants to reimagine the future of sustainability through the lens of green jobs and set up actionable plans to make the vision a reality.

Target: Youth​

Duration: 2 hours

Highlights: Forward-thinking exercises, knowledge sharing, discussions

Company Visit to Schneider Electric Hong Kong

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Partnered with Schneider Electric Hong Kong, we organized a guided tour to visit their office, listen to insightful sharing from Ms. Priscilla Lin, Sustainability and Strategy Manager about her journey in sustainability, and share advice with young people to start a green career.

Target: Youth​

Duration: 2 hours

Highlights: Company visit, career sharing, networking

Using LinkedIn to Land Your Dream Green Job

Image by Nathana Rebouças

This workshop guides participants to leverage LinkedIn to secure a successful green job, learn valuable strategies to optimize LinkedIn profile, expand network, and find key opportunities in the green job market.

Target: Public

Collaborators: 2 hours

Highlights: Profile building, networking building​


Climate Fresk Workshop


Partnered with Press Start Academy, we hosted a Climate Fresk Workshop to teach people about fundamental science behind climate change and initiate discussions on potential climate actions by individuals.

Target: Public​

Duration: 3 hours

Highlights: Interactive activities, discussions

COP 28 Side Event: Reimagine Green Jobs Collage

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Partnered with Eco-network Global andYouth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP), this interactive art session aims to raise awareness about green job development and empower youth as active participants in shaping a sustainable future through discussion and collaborative collage creation.

Target: Public

Duration: 1.5 hour

Highlights: art collage, discussions

COP 28 Side Event:

Justice Dialogue - Improving Resilience on Individual and Community Level


This dialogue aimed to foster meaningful discussions on enhancing resilience within communities and individuals through the lens of justice, knowledge exchange and co-creation.

Target: Community Leaders

Duration: 1.5 hours

Highlights: co-creation, knowledge exchange

Collaborators: CarbonCare InnoLab, Island Innovation, Gain Alliance, Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP), Kenya Climate Change Working Group, Africa Women for Climate Change

COP28 Debrief: Exploring the What Next for Just Transition

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This webinar discussed the negotiation progress and outcomes of Just Transition, explored the implications of COP28 for the future and delved into the agreements, challenges, and opportunities that emerged during the conference.

Target: Public

Duration: 1.5 hours

Highlights: sharing, discussion

LCOY HK 2023

Green Jobs Human Library


Partnered with CarbonCare InnoLab, Green Job Human Library at LCOY HK 2023 invited experts in the green job industry to share insights on how to build their green career. It also helped participants to build networks with the sustainability field and inspires them to engage in green careers.

Target: Youth​

Duration: 2 hours

Highlights: networking, experience sharing

Climate Justice Exhibition

Partnered with Mil Mill, this exhibition sheds light on the impact climate change on vulnerable communities. Through storytelling, interactive games, and VR experiences, the public gains a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those most affected. 

Target: Community members​

Collaborators: Mil Mill, CarbonCare InnoLab, EmPower, Climate Sense, Community Climate Resilience Concern Group

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